Sunday, 8 March 2015

Magazine Collage 'Skimming Stones'

I am continually inspired by my wonderful family who beautifully encompass my ethos of capturing precious moments in time. They are my main motivation in pursuing eco friendly practices. This piece was based on a family trip to the beach in Norfolk.

'Skimming Stones' Magazine Collage

The photos I took that day were a little dark and lacked a lot of detail but I managed to put together a composition I was happy with.

Inspiration For 'Skimming Stones'

Inspiration For 'Skimming Stones'

I rearranged the figures into a slightly different composition to those in the photograph. I wanted to capture the position of my husband throwing the stone, my daughters failed attempts (that she enjoyed regardless) and my son's search for the perfect pebbles.

Rough Sketch For 'Skimming Stones'

The previous beach scene I worked on had quite a smooth sandy texture compared to the rough texture I wanted to capture here.

Magazine Collage Vrouwenpolder Beach, The Netherlands

I applied a gradient of sandy coloured pieces of magazines and then covered this with a layer of small cut pieces.

Texture Sand - Small Cut Pieces Of Magazines

The next challenge was to represent the rippling concentric circles as the stones skimmed the water. In this case I felt 'less is more' and so kept this really simple. Adding small pieces of ripped magazines to add the highlights and shadows.

Concentric circles

I feel this collage was a great transitional piece for me as I experimented with new techniques and effects. I find I am putting more and more detail into my work as my experience and confidence with this medium grows.

This piece is currently available, please contact me for details.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

'Let It Snow' Magazine Collage

This magazine collage was completed in September 2013. Inspired by my daughter spontaneously kissing the snowman she had just built with Daddy the winter before. It was such a precious moment that I wanted to capture it in my artwork. I was very pleased that this piece was selected by Arts Derbyshire when I was their Christmas artist 2014 Learn More

'Let It Snow' Magazine Collage

This was an A3 piece and so I kept the features of the face quite simple, I also altered the background to something blander to keep the main focus on Rowan and the snowman.

Rough Sketch For 'Let It Snow'

I did keep to the colours for the majority on the clothing, only changing that of the snowman's hat and Rowan's wellies. I also added the grass coming up amongst the snow albeit subtly.

Let It Snow Inspiration

The writing of the words in the falling snow are a continuation of a theme from a rainy day piece I created in 2007, a theme I repeated again in 2014 with 'Splish, Splash, Splosh' you can read more about this in the post I wrote on this blog. Read more about this theme

This piece was one of two designs with the falling snow, 

'Red, Red, Robin Magazine Collage

I created 'Red, Red, Robin' specifically to pair with the 'Let, It Snow' collage for my Christmas card designs. I hope to expand the range this year.

Christmas Card Range

The original collage 'Let. It, Snow' is available for purchase. It can be supplied in either it's current exhibition frame or in a bespoke reclaimed wooden frame.

The original 'Red, Red, Robin' collage has been framed in a bespoke frame and has recently been collected from exhibiting and is ready for a new home.

Both designs are available as eco friendly a3 prints and A6 greetings cards. Learn More